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Exclusive discounts for Humana members

We understand the importance of your overall health and teamed up with select companies to offer special discounts Humana members can enjoy.

To access your exclusive discounts, sign in to MyHumana.com, select the “Coverage” tab and scroll down to “Special Discounts.”

You have access to a variety of discounts that support your overall health and well-being

Dental health

Discounts on personalized dental products like:

  • Invisible teeth straightening aligners—from your home
  • Innovative dental devices with tracking and personalized feedback
  • Teeth whitening

Eye health

Vision care discounts to help you see better:

  • Bladeless and traditional LASIK vision correction
  • Exams, glasses and contacts


Improve your hearing experience with discount options that fit you:

  • Unique online solutions for hearing aids and support
  • Professional care in your area with savings up to 60% on hearing aids

Plus, additional discounts for weight loss, acupuncture and chiropractic services, massage therapy, fitness devices, identity theft protection and more! Sign in to MyHumana to see all your discounts!

Our partners include:

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U.S. Laser Network
QualSight LASIK

The discounts offered through the Special Discount Program (the Program) are not insurance or insured benefits. The Program is subject to change or may be discontinued, without notice and at any time.

The Program is not available to members that reside in New Mexico and Vermont. The Program is only available to Humana commercial group members. The Program is not available to Medicare or Medicaid members.

The discount vendors may impose additional eligibility requirements, including but not limited to: age, valid social security number, Internet and e-mail access. The Program only provides for discounts on select products or services from participating discount vendors. The relationship between these vendors and Humana is that of independent contractors. The discount vendors are not providers, partners, employees or agents of Humana. Humana has not reviewed or endorsed and makes no representations, express or implied, about these discount vendors or the products or services available form such vendors. The vendors are solely responsible to you for the provision of these products and services. You should independently review the products and services and the discount vendors before purchasing. Humana expressly disclaims all liability for any care or services rendered by these vendors and all liability if vendors refuse to honor the discounts. Some of these third party service providers may make payments to us when covered persons take advantage of these discount programs.